Nature Doesn’t Care

Amid all the madness surrounding the current global "crisis", I had the opportunity to experience something simply wonderful. Despite the idea that we are to all lock ourselves in our homes and not venture anywhere, I loaded up my Jeep and my utility trailer with lumber, supplies, tools, my Microsoft Surface Pro 3, my Luna... Continue Reading →

Cameo: Old Man Winter

I know it's been a few months. Forgive me. Life gets in the way sometimes as do finances. Ordinarily, February usually has me hip deep in the white stuff that will stick around until May. The last couple of years have been rather sedate on the weather front in this respect and while most aren't... Continue Reading →

Let it Grow, Let it Grow, Let it Grow

The months of April and May, on the Calendar, are considered "Spring" months. Come the end of June, on the 21st, Summer begins, according to meteorological science and the Calendar. Those of us here in Burlington Flats know that these things do not apply to us.For us, Spring actually begins in June, maybe and it is... Continue Reading →

Wind, Sun and Failure

Sunshine. Glorious, warm, welcoming sunshine. It brings life, promotes life, brightens our day and if used correctly, provides lights and power for us. Then there is wind, seemingly always coming out of the west, we can capitalize on this to our advantage for many purposes, one of which is power. The Ranch is in a... Continue Reading →

Looking Back on 2018

I had words with 2018 and sadly, not all of them were good. 2018, like 2017, had an issue with me making trips to the ranch regularly and well, that caused problems. Not problems that would cause me a surmountable amount of grief, but more of that long labored sigh roll the eyes kind of... Continue Reading →

New Year, old issue

First, let me apologize for the long, long, long delay in getting a new post out. Life has been tremendously busy. Aside from being a tad scatterbrained, I sometimes believe, as do many in my family, that I am a tad ADHD. Suffice to say, I'm all over the place and I have my hands... Continue Reading →

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