Why are there Piles?

The side yard pile. I don't know how it happens. Well, actually I should say I know how it happens but I just ignore the cause and bitch about the result. Piles are, in essence, the result of "I'll get to it later". Don't fall prey to this trap, get to it now or it... Continue Reading →

Fake Spring

Spring in Mohawk Valley and much of "Upstate" New York, is an imaginary, even fictitious time of year when the trees start budding, flowers begin to bloom, grass grows and warmer temperatures begin to take hold. It is said that when this fabled season takes place, the last touches of winter barely show their presence... Continue Reading →

Nature Doesn’t Care

Amid all the madness surrounding the current global "crisis", I had the opportunity to experience something simply wonderful. Despite the idea that we are to all lock ourselves in our homes and not venture anywhere, I loaded up my Jeep and my utility trailer with lumber, supplies, tools, my Microsoft Surface Pro 3, my Luna... Continue Reading →

Cameo: Old Man Winter

I know it's been a few months. Forgive me. Life gets in the way sometimes as do finances. Ordinarily, February usually has me hip deep in the white stuff that will stick around until May. The last couple of years have been rather sedate on the weather front in this respect and while most aren't... Continue Reading →

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